Maintaining a household takes a village, and great childcare is the sum of much more than direct interactions with a child. Other factors like the physical home environment, nutrition, and organization also help build fulfilling childhoods.
Balancing all these daily demands can be challenging, especially if you have additional responsibilities like a busy professional life.
Bringing a nanny into your home can provide the complete support you need to maintain harmony in your family life. Since each family has its own unique dynamic, the ideal nanny will offer a positive, adaptable approach tailored to your specific needs.
Hiring a Nanny to Help Manage Your Household
Modern nannies are more flexible than ever before, and are often able to carry out daily household tasks and general errands alongside traditional childcare duties. Many families arrange for their nanny to arrive a few hours before the children return from school, or stay a while after they’ve gone to bed to take care of these tasks. Here are just a few extra ways the right nanny can support you and your home.
- Housekeeping, Laundry, and Errands
Your nanny may carry out light housekeeping tasks like sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, wiping down surfaces, and taking out the trash. They’ll help keep your home tidy and clean, doing laundry and changing the children’s beds if needed. Your nanny might even be able to lend a hand with errands that eat into your free time, like dropping off dry cleaning or picking up fresh groceries for dinner.
- Meal Preparation for the Whole Family
Making nutritious lunches and hearty dinners can take a lot of time. A nanny can help by preparing, cooking, and cleaning up after dinner. They can serve meals and handle the dishwashing afterward. If you like, a nanny can also cook larger batches of meals for the entire family, simplifying dinner time. Plus, they can prepare lunchboxes for the next day, leading to a smoother and easier morning routine.
- Additional Specified Tasks
Every family is different, and the best suited nanny will be able to adapt their service to meet your personal needs. So, if there are other daily activities or errands you could use a helping hand with, don’t be afraid to ask!
How Could This Extra Support Benefit Your Family?
Having the support of a nanny ready to help with household chores and errands can grant you extra quality time to spend with your children in the evenings and at the weekends. Free from the demands of those little daily tasks that add up, you’ll also have longer to spend resting and recuperating after work.
Why use a Nanny Care Agency?
A nanny care agency can match you with a childcare expert who understands the pressures of raising a family, and is willing to go above and beyond to make your life as easy as possible. With a wider pool of nannies to choose from, you’ll have a chance to specify which additional household tasks you’d like help with. The agency will then match you with the best suited nanny or nannies available. Some nanny care agencies also take care of technicalities like insurance and employment, which can be confusing for parents.
Oliver’s Nannies of Boise: Ideal Nanny Care For Your Family
Before matching families with nannies, we set up several in-depth meetings that help us fully understand their key needs, preferences, parenting styles, and daily routines. This open communication allows us to develop care plans that fully meet their unique expectations. Ultimately, nannies are carefully placed based on their ability to work with the natural rhythm of a family’s life – including taking care of any additional tasks required.
Oliver’s Nannies of Boise’s childcare experts are employed, insured, and fully vetted by us. They undergo thorough reference and background checks, interviews, and physicals before joining our nanny care agency. Regular check ins and visits from office staff give our families the peace of mind that their children are receiving consistently safe and quality care. During these check ins, any new needs (e.g., new chores they’d like help with) can be communicated and seamlessly built into their child’s care plan.